Saturday, November 8, 2008

Awesome Book!

Not to confuse anyone...this is NOT this month's book selection. I have been reading it though and have been so impressed and uplifted! It is very good! So, if you finish "Tuesdays with Morrie" early, check it out! "I Am A Mother." By Jane Clayson Johnson. Happy reading!


Sarah Jane said...

I totally agree! I loved this book too! It really made me excited to be a mom, I read it when I was prego with Izzie.

Sarah said...

Cool I will have to check it out! P.S. Sarah, I don't have your email at the moment, so will you email me so I can email you and let you know my address for everyone? I don't live in the townhouses so I dunno if everyone knows exactly where I's thirty seconds away from them though!

Camilla said...

Thank you so much for the recommendation, Katy! I got it from the library and just finished reading it (a few minutes ago). I cried several times during the reading, it is so inspirational! I definitely will buy this book when I get the funds. I highly recommend this to all women, mothers or not. Amazing!