Monday, October 18, 2010

November Book Club

Hey Girls! Sarah Armes will be hosting November's Book Club which is going to be "A Yellow Raft in Blue Water" by Michael Dorris. Sounds fun! With Thanksgiving being on the last Thursday of the month, we'll have to do it the 18th. I'm going to see if I can do a hold on multiple copies of the book at the library, so please don't try to put it on hold yet. I'll let you know if it doesn't work or if there are any changes. Thanks!


Rachel said...

Hey Ladies!
Katy gave me the details of your book club and I am excited to join! I am almost finished with Sarah's key. I just wasn't sure where it is being held on the 28th (the address) and what time. Thanks for your help!
- Rachel Clements

Katy said...

I believe it's at 7pm. Stacy is the first town home on the right as you come in the entrance closest to your house. Hope that makes sense! :)