Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hey ya'll. I just thought I'd let you know that I have a copy of this month and next months books, if anyone wants to borrow them. Camilla is first for "Hunger Games", but it's a pretty quick read, so let me know if you need it next. (Sara, did you find a copy?) Thanks!


Shook Family said...

I would like Hunger Games. And if nobody needs train to potevka. I had to take mine back so I could use it a few days before book club so I can come up with some stuff to chat about.

Shook Family said...

I would like Hunger Games. And if nobody needs train to potevka. I had to take mine back so I could use it a few days before book club so I can come up with some stuff to chat about.

Sarah Jane said...

Katy I still haven't found it so if its ok if I can get it after Camilla that would be great! Thanks.

Sarah Jane said...

Ok Katy, I don't need your copy of the book anymore, I got one from my cousin. Thanks!