Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Novmeber Book Club!

Hello all! This is just a reminder for all of you that this month's book club book is called The Host by Stephenie Meyer. Lindy and I are co-hosting it this month and it will be at my house. Now here is the small dilemma: the last Thursday this month is Thanksgiving and I am guessing (call it a hunch) you might all be busy and/or in a food coma to have book club that night so when should we have it? We could keep it Thursday and do it the Thursday before (19th) or since it is a longer book we could do it the last Wednesday instead. What is everyone's preference? I think I will go with majority rules on this one so please let me know! Thanks!


Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

My vote is for the last Wednesday of the month. I'll most likely be gone by the 19th for Thanksgiving, so I'm being selfish and want to be there. :)

Camilla said...

I can't do Wednesdays. So I vote for the 19th.

Camilla said...

Actually I take that back. I'd be able to come after 8 p.m. on a Wednesday...

Stacy said...

My vote is also for the last Wednesday. The book is long, and I need all the time I can get :)

Sarah Jane said...

I'm gonna have to say the last wednesday too if I can find a babysitter because Drew works.

Shook Family said...

That Wednesday works for me. Let me know what I can bring to your house.