Friday, November 6, 2009

Craft club for December

Who is up for going ahead and doing December craft group this year instead of skipping it? Like Sarah Selin said, it is both of our Anniversaries on the 3rd, but she would be happy to do it on the 10th. It also seems that the majority of us are fine with not skipping July.

As always, if you can't come but let the person in charge know ahead of time, you can still pay for and get the craft, but don't have to attend. This would change the rotation slightly, but that is not a problem! Let me know what everyone thinks. Are you getting sick of me and my posts today ? :)


Sarah Jane said...

I would be fine with doing one this December, I think it would be fun!

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

I would love to do one this December! And probably next December, too! :) I don't have much for January, so something winter-ish would be fun!

I'm fine with the rotation switching around, and totally fine if I end up with two months next year.