Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Craft club

I didn't hear back from anyone but Camilla and Sarah N. So, I was wondering who is still interested in doing a craft club this year in March, June, September, and December?

March - Stacy
June -
September - Sarah N.
December -

There are still 2 months that we need someone to take. So please let me know if you are or aren't interested in doing craft club this year! I need to know ASAP for March, and if you are would rather do a ST. Patrick's Day craft, or one for Easter? If we don't have enough people that want to do it this year, we may just stop it all together. Thoughts?




Sarah Jane said...

Stacy, if not everyone wants to do it, that's fine, u and I can still get together! :-) I'm good with whatever though. If we a craft i'd like st. Pattys day cause I only have the one thing from last year!

Melissa said...

Well I'm in, I would be more then willing to host, but i do live all the way in Salt Lake and i don't if you all would be willing to make the drive. Just let me know. Also I am voting to do an Easter craft. Thanks Stacy for trying to get this going again.

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Sorry I haven't answered. Been busy and out of town, so not online a ton! I probably won't be participating in craft club anymore. I need to be home with my family, and it's time to cut out some things that keep me away in the evenings. Plus, I don't have anywhere to put many more decorations! :) Thanks for taking charge of it Stacy, maybe I'll join up again in the future.

Camilla said...

I can do either of the open months. I'd still like to do it (unlike Summer, I need MORE things to get me OUT of the house!) but I'm okay if we don't. Snif snif. As for March, I'm good with either St. Patty's or Easter, I have hardly anything for either.