Thursday, April 9, 2009

.:May Craft:.

Hi ladies....

After toying with a few different ideas, I decided to go with what I think will be the cheapest craft for us for May! Plus, it's super cute! We will be making a wood watermelon from Wood Connection. The cost for the wood is $4. I will plan on getting those for everyone. Then, you'll just need to bring your own shade of red/pink and green paints to paint them with.

Please let me know if you are planning on coming. I'm not sure what the first Thursday in May is, but check your calendar and let me know asap so that I can pick those up! I may ask if I can get your money in advance if that's okay with everyone.

**EDIT** I will actually be out of town the first Thursday in May, which is May 7th. Can everybody do it on the second Thursday in May - May 14th?



Sarah said...

The second Thursday in May works for me, I'll be out of town the first one too.

Camilla said...

Me too! I will actually be out of the country that first Thursday, so May 14th is great! :) And the craft sounds cute!